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Saturday, 14 Sep 2024, 13:45 to 16:45: Philp Shield (club event), Olympic clubrooms

These are the details for 2024. This year's details to come. 

Club teams road race, various distances up to 5km. Teams are made up of all ages (juniors through to masters), with runners and walkers. Different team members run/walk different distances. The team with the lowest sum of finishing places wins. 

Time: 1:45 (at the clubrooms) for selection of teams.

Course: Alex Moore Park track/neighbouring footpaths.

Please bring a plate for afternoon tea afterwards.

Race rules...

1. Intro/summary:

The Philp Shield is a team event where participants compete in teams for the overall prize - the Philp Shield. Competitors compete in different 'subraces' of varying distances, against competitors from the other teams in that subrace. The overall team score is an aggregate of the scores of the individuals. The event is based on a circuit of about 1.6km, so that 2 laps are 3.3km and 3 laps 5km.

2. Subraces:

The event consists of 'subraces' where a subrace has a distance and category (e.g. run/walk/child run). For example: 1 lap walk, half lap child, 1 lap run, 2 laps run, 3 laps run. The Race Organiser
determines the subraces on the day, depending on who is registered to compete. The event should have at least one 1-lap run subrace, one 2-lap run subrace and a 3-lap run subrace.

3. Registration:

Participants should register their activity (run or walk) when they sign up for the event. The Race Organiser may need to change these, in advance and with the competitor's agreement, to make the teams work.

4. Teams:

The Race Organiser determines the subraces that the event includes, and the number of competitors from each team that should do each subrace (e.g. 1 person doing 1 lap walk, 2 people doing 1 lap run, 2 people doing 2 laps run, 1 person doing 3 laps run). The Race Organiser splits participants into teams with the appropriate number in each (e.g. 6 members). Each team will nominate which team members do which subraces, so that each member is doing the activity they signed up for, and the number doing each distance is correct as specified by the organiser.

If the number of competitors doesn't fit evenly into the teams then an additional team member may be added to some teams

5. Scoring:

Each finisher will earn points for their team, equal to their finishing position in the subrace in which they are competing. The team's points is the sum of its members points. If there is an extra member in the team then the placegetter receives a score but that score does not count in the team total. The winning team is the one with the lowest score. In the case of a tie, a count-back is to be
used, based on the lowest best place in the team (and if they were also the same, the lowest second place, etc).--



Sunday, 15 Sep 2024, 07:00 to 12:00: Hutt Marathon Events (incorp. Wellington Marathon Champs), Marine Parade, Petone

A flat and scenic course along both sides of the Hutt River.

With plenty to choose from – including a 5km fun run, 10km, Half Marathon, Marathon and the Cool Kid’s Kilometre – this event offers something for everyone.

Further details

Tuesday, 17 Sep 2024, 18:00 to 19:00: Form drills and interval training, Waiora Hub (clubrooms)

Tuesdays, 6:30pm to 7:30pm (daylight saving time) and 6:00pm to 7:00pm (after daylight saving finishes) with our coaches Chris Speakman and Rob McCrudden.

Further details

Saturday, 21 Sep 2024, 13:45 to 16:45: Club run and walk, Waiora Hub (clubrooms)

Meet at 1:45pm for a 2pm start.

Different packs and distances for different abilities.

Tuesday, 24 Sep 2024, 18:00 to 19:00: Form drills and interval training, Waiora Hub (clubrooms)

Tuesdays, 6:30pm to 7:30pm (daylight saving time) and 6:00pm to 7:00pm (after daylight saving finishes) with our coaches Chris Speakman and Rob McCrudden.

Further details

Saturday, 28 Sep 2024, 13:45 to 16:45: Club run and walk, Waiora Hub (clubrooms)

Meet at 1:45pm for a 2pm start.

Different packs and distances for different abilities.

Saturday, 28 Sep 2024, 08:00 to 17:00: New Zealand Road Relay Championships, Taupō

The climax of the winter season and the highlight of the year. 

A new course at Taupo Motorsport Park


Tuesday, 1 Oct 2024, 18:30 to 19:30: Form drills and interval training, Waiora Hub (clubrooms)

Tuesdays, 6:30pm to 7:30pm (daylight saving time) and 6:00pm to 7:00pm (after daylight saving finishes) with our coaches Chris Speakman and Rob McCrudden.

Further details

Saturday, 5 Oct 2024, 13:30 to 15:30: Perston Baton Relay (club event), Karori Park

Assumed details for 2024 (same as previous years):

Meet on the grassy area at the main pavillion (next to the cafe)

Club Relay & Walk

Our last club race of the winter season before we head to the track. Our handicapper forms relay teams of all ages and abilities including runners and walkers. Teams have to assign walking and running laps, and even get to choose which order they will do them in.

1pm Volunteers requested to help the Club Captain set up the course

1:30pm Register and get assigned to your relay teams

As soon as we are ready after that - Race time!

Further details

Sunday, 6 Oct 2024, 08:00 to 14:00: Kaukau Skyline Traverse and Wellington Mountain Running Championships, Waiora Hub (Olympic clubrooms)
Updated 9 Sep 2024 at 7:08 am.

Olympic Harriers and Athletics Wellington proudly present the inaugural Kaukau Skyline Traverse, incorporating the 2024 Wellington Mountain Running Championships

Event Location 

The races will take place on the western hills of Johnsonville along the Skyline Track over Mt Kaukau. 

Races start and finish at the northern end of the Skyline Track, heading south along the ridgeline to Mt Kaukau and beyond. All races are ‘out and back,’ each with a turn-around point. The long course includes an additional challenging loop before turning around. 

The start/finish line is accessible from McLintock Street. Parking is only available on the southern part of McLintock Street (or around Waiora Hub).

Race grades:

  1. Junior Girls and Boys U10 
  2. Junior Girls and Boys U12 
  3. Junior Girls and Boys U14 
  4. Junior Women and Men U16 
  5. Junior Women and Men U18 
  6. Junior Women and Men U20 
  7. Senior Women and Men 20-34 
  8. Masters Women and Men 35-49 
  9. Masters Women and Men 50-59 
  10. Masters Women and Men 60+ 

Ages are your age on 31 December 2024 except for masters grades where age is on day of the race. 

Distances and elevation

Race 1: Long course 12.15km (600m)  -- start time 10.00am

  • Senior Women and Men 20 - 34      
  • Masters Men 35 – 49      

Race 2: Medium course 8.75km (400m) -- start time 10.10am 

  • Junior Men U20      
  • Masters Women 35 - 49      
  • Masters Women and Men 50 - 59      
  • Masters Women and Men 60+      

Race 3: Short course 5.75km (220m) -- start time 10.20am

  • Junior Women U20      
  • Junior Women and Men U18         
  • Junior Girls and Boys U16      

Race 4: Sprint course 1.75km (70m) -- start time 10.30am

  • Junior Girls and Boys U14      
  • Junior Girls and Boys U12      
  • Junior Girls and Boys U10      

Championship runners must be registered with a Wellington club, wear their club uniform and run in the correct race according to their age grade. Non-championship runners can run in any race. You must be 18 years or older to run in races 1 or 2. 

On the day

  • 8:00 to 9:15am: race number pick up (Waiora Hub)
  • 9:45am: welcome, course and safety information (Start/finish area)
  • 10:00am: race 1 -- long course (senior men, senior women, masters men 35-49)
  • 10:10am: race 2 -- medium course (MU20, MW35-49, MM/MW50-59, mm/MW60+)
  • 10:20am: race 3 -- short course (WU20, MU/WU18, MU/WU16)
  • 10:30am: race 4 -- sprint course (BU/GU14,  BU/GU12, BU/GU10)
  • 1:00pm: prizegiving (Waiora Hub)


  • Entry: Entry form
  • Entries close Friday 4 October (late entry is in person on Saturday from 2:00pm to 4:00pm at Waiora Hub.)

Entry costs:

  • All Juniors (Up to 19 years old) $15.00 
  • Seniors/masters (Athletics Wellington club members) 20 years plus $20.00 
  • Seniors/masters (Non-Athletics Wellington club members)  20 years plus  $45.00 

Downloadable information (updated 8 September 2024)

On a good day the views across Wellington and the South Island are amazing! And on a bad day… 

Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024, 18:30 to 19:30: Form drills and interval training, Waiora Hub (clubrooms)

Tuesdays, 6:30pm to 7:30pm (daylight saving time) and 6:00pm to 7:00pm (after daylight saving finishes) with our coaches Chris Speakman and Rob McCrudden.

Further details

Saturday, 12 Oct 2024, 13:30 to 15:30: Bernie Portenski Memorial open handicap race, St Timothy's Presbyterian Church, 16 Te Pene Ave, Titahi Bay

2023 details (2024 details to come):

This is an annual handicap race in Titahi Bay and is an occasion to celebrate the end of the Harrier season and to commemorate Bernie Portenski. While Bernie was a staunch Scottish member, she trained with and supported many members from other clubs. The overall winner on handicap will hold the Bernie Portenski Memorial Trophy for a year.

We assemble at St Timothy's Presbyterian Church, 16 Te Pene Ave, Titahi Bay from about 1:30pm. Post-race we return to the church hall for an afternoon tea and prize-giving.

The race starts at 2:05pm on the beach in front of the surf club at Titahi Bay.

The race distance is 9.1km but with the mixed terrain (road, beach, grass) and the hill in the second half.

Also, please bring a plate to contribute to the afternoon tea.

Further details

Tuesday, 15 Oct 2024, 18:30 to 19:30: Form drills and interval training, Waiora Hub (clubrooms)

Tuesdays, 6:30pm to 7:30pm (daylight saving time) and 6:00pm to 7:00pm (after daylight saving finishes) with our coaches Chris Speakman and Rob McCrudden.

Further details

Saturday, 19 Oct 2024, 13:45 to 16:45: Club run and walk, Waiora Hub (clubrooms)

Meet at 1:45pm for a 2pm start.

Different packs and distances for different abilities.

Saturday, 19 Oct 2024, 16:00: Prize giving, Waiora Hub (clubrooms)

Harriers prize giving - after club run. Details to come. 

Sunday, 20 Oct 2024: New Zealand Mountain Running Championships, Christchurch
Updated 11 Aug 2024.
New Zealand Mountain Running Championships

Further details

Sunday, 20 Oct 2024: Wairarapa Half Marathon, 14km & 7km, Masterton

Based on a 7 km course alongside the Waipoua River and Henley Lake in Masterton.

Further details

Tuesday, 22 Oct 2024, 18:30 to 19:30: Form drills and interval training, Waiora Hub (clubrooms)

Tuesdays, 6:30pm to 7:30pm (daylight saving time) and 6:00pm to 7:00pm (after daylight saving finishes) with our coaches Chris Speakman and Rob McCrudden.

Further details

Saturday, 26 Oct 2024, 13:45 to 16:45: Club run and walk, Waiora Hub (clubrooms)

Meet at 1:45pm for a 2pm start.

Different packs and distances for different abilities.

Saturday, 26 Oct 2024, 08:00 to 17:00: New Zealand Road Championships, Timaru

Details tbc