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Saturday, 22 Jun 2024, 13:30 to 16:30: Grand Memorial club races and Old Members Day (club event), Boom Rock Road, Ohariu Valley

2023 details below (2024 details to come):

Open handicap cross country races. This event commemorates our first club president, who died while in office, as well as a number of club members who died in the First World War.

Former club members are invited to join us.

This race will be followed by afternoon tea at the clubrooms - please bring a plate to share.

Race details:

1.30pm: Boys & Girls 9 and Under (1km scratch race), Boys & Girls 13 and Under (2km scratch race)

2.00pm-ish: Walkers;
Senior Women, Masters Women, Junior Women (W-U18 & W-U20), Junior Men (M-U18 & M-U20) (4km open handicap);
Senior Men & Masters Men (8km open handicap)

(Both handicap races – 4km and 8km – will be run concurrently with one finish time.)

Hot showers and afternoon tea at the Clubrooms following the final race – please bring a towel and a plate.

More about the history of the event

Further details