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Saturday, 25 May 2024, 12:40 to 16:40: Vosseler Shield (interclub event), WHAC clubrooms, Mt Victoria

2023 details below (2024 details to come): 

Changes introduced in 2022:

  • The start line for all races is in the same grassed areaas the finish  (mountain biking area). See the 2022 Vosseler course map.
  • Junior race is 3.0km. Kids race is 1.1km. To make the event better for these age groups.
  • BU10 and GU10 grades added.
  • 2022 sees the closure of Alexandra Road from just north of the SPCA to just south of the intersection with Lookout Road.


Race headquarters are at the WHAC Clubrooms, 164 Alexandra Rd. All races start on the grassed area near the Badminton Hall on Ruahine St

Course description

All races start and finish at the grassy area with the mountain bike skills area. The course covers bush tracks and rocky trails with steep uphill / downhill gradients. The entire race is off road with the exception of road crossings on Mt Victoria.  

There are five races run over four distances ranging from 1.1km for boys and girls to 10km for senior and masters runners.  

Road crossings are marshalled and subject to Traffic Management controls.  

Race times 

  • 12.40pm -- 5km / 203m elevation gain:
    • MASTERS WOMEN 70+, 
    • MASTERS MEN 60,
    • MASTERS MEN 65,
    • MASTERS MEN 70+ ,
    • NON-CHAMPIONSHIP 5k MEN 20-59  
  • 1:35pm -- 3km / 104m elevation gain
    • WOMEN WU18,
    • GIRLS GU16, 
    • JUNIOR MEN MU20,
    • MEN MU18,
    • BOYS BU16.
  • 2.00pm -- 1.1km / elevation gain 47m
  • 2:10pm -- 1.1k / elevation gain 47m
    • BOYS BU14, BOYS BU12, BOYS BU10.
  • 2.30pm -- 10km / elevation gain 398m
    • MASTERS MEN 35,
    • MASTERS MEN 50, 

Entry information

Athletics New Zealand Sanctioned Event
Only Athletics NZ registered athletes who are financial full competition members in the ANZ ClubNet database are eligible to compete. Athletes must be financial in GameDay by midnight Thursday 25 May 2023 in order to compete. 

Race bibs
You must be financial in ANZ ClubNet as stated above to receive a race bib. If you are financial by Friday 20 May, you will receive a personalised race bib. If you are financial after 19 May and up to 25 May, you will receive a temporary race bib, which must be returned after the race. Race bib pick up at the WHAC clubrooms on race day 27 May from 11:30am. No postal or email entries from AW Clubs.  Other clubs to email entries to the race director by 25 May.

Athletes must collect their race bib from their club representative at the WHAC clubrooms at least 30 minutes prior to the start of their race. No current bib and timing chip means you will not be recorded in the results. Race bibs will again be used for each of the 5 interclub races. The bibs will have Athletics Wellington timing chips and must be worn on the front of the athlete’s club singlet. Timing chips must be left securely on the front of the bibs.  
Entry Fees (Athletics Wellington Members)
AW Clubs will be invoiced after the event according to the number of individuals completing the races. 
Entry fees for ANZ Registered Club Members are as follows:

  • Boys and Girls U12, U14 and U16   $30.50
  • All other grades    $35.00

These entry fees include a special traffic management fee of $23.00 per person. 

Age Grades and Club Uniform
Age on 31st December 2023; except Masters’ grades where age on 27th May 2023. 
As this event is only open to Registered Club Members, the correct club uniform must be worn.  
Any athlete wishing to compete “out of grade” (e.g. junior in senior grade), must advise the Race Director, Ian Macfarlane whacracedirector@gmail.com  and Daryl Bloomfield daryl@fedude.co.nz by 5:00pm Thursday 25 May.  

Team and individual awards

Medals will be awarded to FIRST PLACE in each grade, (*except there will be no medals for non-championship races). 
Team Competition winners will receive medals, with number to count in each grade as follows:

  • Open Men M20-99 10k only: 6
  • Open Women W20-99 5k only: 3
  • Masters Women MW50+ combined: 3
  • Junior Women WU20/WU18 combined: 3
  • All other grades      3 

Masters’ runners are eligible for team competition in both the Open grade and their own Masters’ grade. 

The Barry Everitt Plate will be awarded to the Club scoring the highest number of points over all grades. This will be based on participation, where every competitor will score points, with 100 points to the winner. E.g., Senior Women, 30 finishers, first place scores 100 points, last place scores 71 points. (The non-championship races will not count towards this Club competition).  

Prize giving

Prize giving, following each race, will be near the WHAC Clubrooms; and if bad weather, will be held inside.

Protests and appeals

In the first instance, any protest must be made to the Race Referee, within 30 minutes of the finish of the race. Referee’s decision will be given to the Race Director; any appeal must be made to the Race Director. 

IAAF Competition Rules 146 covers protests and appeals. 

Health and safety

All races are marshalled; marshals are clearly identifiable with orange Hi-Viz vests around the course. If you are injured or observe an injury or problem of any kind, please report to the nearest marshal. All competitors must obey the directions of marshals. 
Course Marking
The course will be marked with a combination of the following: tape, marker poles, arrows, cones, and marshals. Where 2 marker poles are placed as a gate, runners must run between the marker poles. Where 1 marker pole is used, runners must run within 5m either side of the marker pole. When running adjacent to roads, athletes must run within the coned off verge area. Failure to comply with a marshal’s instruction or not following the correct course may result in disqualification. 
Public Roads
The race includes the crossing of public roads. 2023 agaom sees the closure of Alexandra Road from just north of the SPCA to just south of the intersection with Lookout Road. Marshals will still be placed at strategic points for your safety. However, you must remain alert at road crossings, look yourself, and be prepared to stop if directed to do so by a marshal. Where the course runs alongside public roads, competitors must run within the coned off verge area. 
Course Conditions
This is a cross country race and accordingly trails may be loose, steep, slippery, uneven, and have trip hazards. Competitors are responsible for taking reasonable care. 
There are no mandatory public health requirements. Spectators and athletes alike are asked to stay at home if they are feeling unwell. 

Race Director
Thank you for supporting this event. We look forward to seeing you all on race day. For inquiries, please contact  Ian Macfarlane (027) 230 8884, or email: whacracedirector@gmail.com